Saturday, November 25, 2017

Saturday after Thanksgiving

Ok random thoughts in no particular order

Thanksgiving was a really fun day!

got to sleep in today till 9

took Chapman for a walk two days in a row the weather has been stupendous

talked with my Mom on the phone for over an hour today

I had a perfect drawer at Hy Vee yesterday

it's only 4:45pm but I am ready for bed

nice to have a day off but working tomorrow 10-4 with Amy :)

solitaire and angry birds on my kindle makes my eyes blurry

the families that have been out of town should all be back tomorrow - they have been missed!!!!

old movies on demand but in here whilst it plays in the living room

Christmas music on the radio this weekend waiting to see what the Lord impresses me with this blessed season, each year it's different

I have not blogged every day this Nov and I really am ok with that. Not a lot of free time but tons going on in my life ;)

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Thursday what a week!

It's been a week!

Monday- went in to work at 8, yup the schedule said 9. I am usually scheduled at 8 / 10 nope 9. At least I got Alyssa's birthday card written and readied because I knew I would see her later that evening at her concert. Went to said concert and froze! They had the air on I kid you not and it was blowing right on me! Didn't get home till nearly 8 so skipped bible study which I hated to do but it was just too late.

Tuesday - two jobs two shifts and one very tired gal! I got all the way home just ready to change my clothes when I remembered it was election day! So got back in my car and went to vote. Chatted with Wayne who was a school parent who had kids in school with ours then I came home.  I knew Hannah would be coming when her folks came for bible study so decided to lay on the couch and wait, and promptly fell asleep. Heard her banging on the door and let her in chatted for a bit then heard my phone chirp - it was on the charger in the kitchen, so I asked her to get it for me. Two texts, one from Amy the other from Xandre telling me he had a concert at 7 - it was 6:45 - could I please come! so I got up and dressed and Hannah and I flew out the door. When we got to Franklin there was not place to park but at the very bottom of the hill, of course. When we went in the auditorium was packed!!! and we ended up following Robbyn and Brian in and actually sat by them right behind a pole but could see Xan but nothing else to the right. Had a great laugh with a lady in front of us who was literally dancing to a 'polka' type dance they played oh my!

After the concert I brought Hannah back here and waited a few minutes for her folks then left again to go with my Mom to watch Asa play at Isaac Newton. Who schedules 5th grade boys at 8:30 pm Jr Warriors apparently! It was nice to watch him play and chat with Matt, finally home then bed.

Wed - child watch with Amy was crazy and I was in a mood . . . not sure what was up with that this dark cloud settled on me and I could not shake it. Kids were loud and rambunctious and only 2 girls with 14 boys. I was so ready to be done! Came home to find a new modem had been delivered grrrrrr I hate stuff like that! Hassled with that till i decided to put it up till a later time, and went to get my nails done. Nails . . . usually a manicure lasts me a month well this one was a little more that 2 weeks so I said something to the girl doing my nails, she had done it last time. Well she started on me but when my pedi was done and they moved me to the nail table another gal came and did my nails . . . not sure what all of that was about??? I hope I didn't get her into trouble but doggone it I did not pay that price to have to go back in two weeks.

Came home and went to bed tried to nap but to no avail. When I got up my folks were gone and I was starving so made some hash with sausage yummmmm when it was cooking Liz came in the door and she and I chatted and ate together. Pretty soon Asa and Colton here here and so sad Josh's dog had to be put down and they were really hurting. I prayed for them on the way to church and I could hear their sniffels and just talked to them on the way to Wednesday night kids club.

While the kids were in church JoAnna and I went to the Aldi's on Blairs Ferry which has jut reopened and is very nice. Then dropped of the Stuelke boys, Stevens' kids and Alyssa it was nice having  her to chat with last. I sure do love those kids. So hard to see them growing up so fast!

Came home to watch This is Us since Tues was busy but not on so I re watched an earlier episode of this season. Did not feel like going to bed and was up till after 11 I knew I would regret it this morning and I was right!

Thurs- super slow day at the Y Kim and I had 6 kids so lots of time to talk! Came home and watched Judge Judy and finally this  week's episode of This Is Us oh my! Got some drawers gone through and got rid of lots of clothes why oh why do I hang on to stuff???

Now waiting for Asa and Colton who will spend the evening with me hooray

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Saturday recap

I got to sleep in today - hooray! Even though it was only 7:30 when I woke up it was nice to not have to rush off anywhere.

Took my mom to the Penny Pinching Fashion Show. What a great time. We had  a wonderful lunch. Loaded baked potato soup, chef salad and apple crisp is what I had. Yuuuummmmm I even bought three new tops and some other things ;)

Took Mom to the high drive house so she could cut Dad's hair it's looking so nice ;)

Got home and watched the Iowa Game with Liz! Whoo Hoo Hawkeyes! First win against Ohio State since 2004 and a 54/17 win at that! What a great game.

Now I am doing some laundry so yeah that's about it

Oh and Uncle D came to visit

good day!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Friday Nov 3

Already missed a day - balderdash!

Worked yesterday till noon, went to Iowa city for an appt then back to work at 4:45 got home about 7:30 forgot all about blogging.

Worked with Sheila today hooray got to catch up on all we needed to catch up on but I am sure there is way more we forgot to share.

Hy - Vee shift went by really fast glad for that. Got to go outside and get carts one of my favorite tasks who doesn't want to go outside on a lovely day like we had today?

Went to subway for free sandwich with Liz saw a guy from Hy Vee and Willene and Gary :)

Pampered chef party - it's been YEARS since I was to one. Came home and chatted with Mom and Liz laughing about 'would you rather' fun times

I will try to catch up on blogs tomorrow and comment because comments are always fun!

see you when the birds fly!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Oh how much has changed in such a short time. As I write this I am waiting for time to pass till the kids come to go to church. Tonight is also Fresh Encounter Prayer and it's always a great time so I will drop the kid off then go to prayer then leave early to go get the kids.

Andrew and Brittany got possession of their house on Monday and I got to go see it yesterday. I am so excited for them! They stopped by for a minute today since they are off till Mon & Tues they deemed today a rest day. Good for them.

Fun times with Amy and the pranks at work ;) she is so fun to trick ha! And She gets me most of the time.

Covering a shift for Alex tomorrow evening ugh

cold!!!!! brrrrr I keep thinking what am I going to do when it really gets cold!

hoping to blog every day but we'll see

Saturday, March 11, 2017

a little catch up maybe?

lazy day at home today

saw The Shack with Tricia

This is Us is so good!

trip to Grinell - two losses, two wins BIG win over the Bulldogs!

shared car with Matt for 2 weeks

sewer back up in my basement ugh! Stevens' family to the rescue after Matt tried and tried to get it opened

flight to Az booked

I love old movies!

Davenport for basketball games two days

my pink and white amaryllis has bloomed

Ia City re check things looking good another appt in Aug

bills bills and more bills God is in control of my money!

Asa and Colton overnight 2 nights while Laura is in Bogota

oil change in my car thanks to Michael

hours at Hy Vee have been cut three afternoons off this past week. Two weeks ago free Monday!

fun with Amy on Wednesdays

spring break this week

still in my pj's this morning

went to a Men's basketball game at Mt Mercy (when Matt was trying to get my sewer open) Asa had an exhibition game at half time

went to Mickey's and then to Brewhemia to hear Sheila sing

celebrated Christmas, New Years, Doug Day,  Matt's birthday, JoAnna's birthday, Ben's Birthday, Tricia's birthday, Valentines day,  Nicole's birthday, 3rd Anniversary at Hy Vee - plus Jayden's  & Maddie's birthdays, next up Liz!

lot's of traveling for basketball as well as the games here what a great season!

that's all for now if I think of more I will add them at some point

now to get back to blogging so I can look back and see what I have done

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

A long full day

I had a pretty good day at the Y. So nice to see Amy and Kim maybe one day Kim and I will be able to work together again, until then we can just quick chat during our shifts.

I had a kind of hectic morning . . . a guy came in for a membership, the phone would not stop ringing, there were people comining and coming to check in so that means I have to push the button for them to go in the doors. The computer would not let me enter any info for the membership so I had to resort to the check in computer so I only had one scanner working. people do not like that. If they can't go in right away the world will stop turning don't cha know! Then when I was ready to take a payment, I could only do the prorated fee not the yearly fee grrrrrrrr. finally I let him just make that payment and told him I would figure it out when my supervisor came in. Bryan called in the meantime to tell me he was on his way and Danielle's bus was late but she was on her way too. No wonder it was so crazy and it was just about 9 that's the crazy time!

I had a nice chat with Jan, Mary had come down so we (Danielle and I) could go up and try some of the goodies that had come from Bob's house. I was happy/sad to see my shift end. I really like Danielle.

I came home and ate some lunch, let Chapman out and got ready for Hy Vee . . . Today Amber taught me how do do the inventory counting. You scan the barcode then count the number of product and enter it into the gun hit enter and move on down the row. I counted tooth brushes, floss stuff like that, then moved over to the deodorant wow there are a lot of brands! That was fun. Andy one of the front end managers whom I really like, came and said Amber is teaching you to count? You are really moving up in the world. I am not sure if I have been promoted or what's up but I like it. Denise said she would call me to the register if she needed me but when she needed someone, my name was never called. Then Amber set me to stocking the back stock and what was left needed to go into the specified bins. That was fun except for the part where we had to stack and re stack the bins, which are heavy with product. After my break which I wanted to drink a pepsi but had a Mountain Dew instead . . . she sent me to re stock some of the back stock. Well I looked and looked and looked some more for where this certain vitamin supliment went, and mind you the area is not that big but do you think I could find it???? I checked upc numbers on those tiny tags but to no avail even after Amber described to me where it went I still could not find it. She came to help me and she had double faced a product so there was not an empty slot. She started to laugh and said nothing like sending you on a wild goose chase! It was close to the PreNatal vitamins I had told her yesterday the story behind that and we had a good laugh. During the counting I was only fired once ;) Amber is a sweet gal with a young daughter. Her mom works Customer Service as does her step-dad Delaney who is one of the front end managers whom I worked for when I first started. Nice people. Her inventory count has to be done by Jan 3 and she has a lot to do so that's why I am helping as is Chuck so we will see how longs this lasts with me helping her.

McKinley 7th grade had their first game today. They beat Lasalle by 40 points. Dale who works at the Y anyways Dale's daughter played on the Lasalle team as does Bella Lesie Carrs daughter. I felt bad for them but they played JoAnna's Junior Warrior team and they did not stand a chance.

I went to dinner with Ben, Liz and Mo to Pig and Porter tonight in the Newbo district. What great food! It was fun to catch up with Mo and Smith's It was a nice time but this old gal is tired!!!! all that up and down the little step ladder and up and down the stairs today at Hy Vee I need to go to bed!!!!